About the data
2023 Census families, extended families, and households data by iwi affiliation and Māori descent.
Data collection
2023 Census has been designed using a combined model. This means the data collected through census responses (completed individual and dwelling census forms) was combined with data from alternative data sources when there was no census form response.
Alternative data sources include administrative (admin) data and data from previous censuses. Admin data is the information collected by government agencies or other organisations, e.g. birth, death and tax records.
You can read more about the combined model on the Stats NZ website.
What is families, extended families and households data by iwi affiliation and Māori descent?
Caution should be exercised in interpreting these data and when comparing with other families and households data, both from Te Whata and from other sources.
Iwi affiliation families and households data refers to data about people in families and households.
For iwi affiliation families data, the subject population is people of Māori descent in families in households in occupied private dwellings.
For iwi affiliation household data, the subject population is people of Māori descent in households in occupied private dwellings.
Māori descent families and households data can be about:
Māori descent people in families and households or;
Māori descent families or;
Māori descent households.
A Māori descent family or household is defined as a family or household where at least one member of that family or household is recorded as being of Māori descent.
Understanding data insights for your iwi
You can view families, extended families, and households by iwi affiliation and Māori descent insights for members of your iwi on Te Whata from Thursday 31 October 2024.
Iwi Information Managers and iwi members with read only access to their private iwi page can download the raw data tables from Te Whata for free from Thursday 31 October 2024.
On your iwi page, you can view insights on how people in your iwi are living, including household size, housing quality, income and how whānau are structured. Please note, these insights represent individuals from your iwi who live in a household, are part of a family or an extended family. These insights do not represent an entire household, family or extended family.
Depending on the size of your iwi, you may see some topics and variables in relation to families, extended families and households by iwi affiliation and Māori descent. This could include insights about iwi members in families and households such as income, household composition or crowding.
The more 2023 Census responses collected from people in your iwi, the more data is available to analyse. This is used to identify patterns and relationships within the data. These will then be shared on Te Whata as insights for your iwi.
If you are an Iwi Information Manager and not yet set up on Te Whata, whakapā mai, email tewhata@kahuiraraunga.io to get set up. Read more about Iwi Data and Iwi Information Managers on Te Whata.