26 May 2023
I tēnei rā nei ki Rotorua, i puta ai te Māori Data Governance Model me tana hāngai ki te whakapikinga ake o tō te iwi-Māori mana whakahaere, mana motuhake, putanga anō hoki mō āna raraunga.
I tēnei rā nei ki Rotorua, i puta ai te Māori Data Governance Model me tana hāngai ki te whakapikinga ake o tō te iwi-Māori mana whakahaere, mana motuhake, putanga anō hoki mō āna raraunga.
He tauira ao whānui tēnei kua whakatūria ai hei whakamahi mā te rāngai tūmatanui kia pai ake ai ngā putanga ā-whānau.
I whakaputaina tēnei pūrongo e Te Kāhui Raraunga, he kāhui tohunga raraunga tēnei e aratakina ana e ngā māngai o ngā iwi, me te whakanui i tētahi wā hirahira mō te Mana Ōrite Relationship Agreement ki waenga i te Data Iwi Leaders Group (Data ILG) rāua ko Stats NZ.
E āta whakatakoto ana te pūrongo i ngā taipitopito mō te Māori Data Governance Model, ōna whāinga, ka mutu, i te take o tana whakatū mai. I whakatūria mai tēnei tauira i runga i te hiahia kia tautokohia tētahi pūnaha raraunga e taki nei, e aro nei ki te Tiriti. Ka tuku ia i ngā kupu āki ki ngā umanga katoa kia whāia tētahi huarahi mō te mana whakahaere o te raraunga Māori e aro ana ki ngā whanonga pono, ki ngā hiahia me ngā take matua o te iwi Māori, ka mutu, kua whai wāhi ia ki ngā rangahau.
I āta whakatakoto ia i ngā kawatau mō tētahi pūnaha whānui mō te mana whakahaere o ngā raraunga Māori e whai nei i ā te Kāwanatanga haepapa ki raro i Te Tiriti o Waitangi, waihoki, e tuku ana ia i ngā kupu tohutohu mō ngā mahi, mō ngā hātepe me ngā whakaritenga hei whai kia ea ia ērā kawatau.
E kī ana a Ahorangi Tahu Kukutai, te ūpoko o te kāhui tohunga i whakatūria ai tēnei tauira, he āwhina nui tēnei ki te whakamutu i ngā tukanga raraunga e whai whakaaro kore ana, e matatika kore ana anō hoki.
“He taonga ō tātou raraunga. Māori data is a taonga that requires culturally grounded models of protection and care.
“The model comes at the right time for the kāwanatanga given some of the ethical challenges being raised by new data technologies and declining public trust and confidence.
“It provides agencies with a very clear roadmap on how to do good data governance - it's a model that is not only good for iwi-Māori but good for Aotearoa."
E kī ana a Ahorangi Stephanie Russo Carroll, te ūpoko o Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA) , he tauira miharo, he tauira o te ao tēnei e whakaatuhia ana te hua ka puta ake i tō tētahi kāwanatanga whakapono ki ngā iwi taketake kia noho hei kaihanga mō ōna ake.
"GIDA developed the CARE principles for Indigenous data governance as minimum standards for data governance. The Māori data governance model has taken it to a whole other level and sets clear expectations for what best practice Indigenous data governance could and should look like. It is truly groundbreaking.
"I think many other Indigenous communities will be watching with great interest how this model gets implemented by the New Zealand Government and what we can learn from it."
E kī ana a Rahui Papa, te ūpoko o Te Kāhui Raraunga, atu i te tauira, i tautohua e te pūrongo te hiahia kia hāpaitia tikahia tētahi punaha raraunga e tahuri nei ki te Mana Motuhake.
“This system would sit outside of the public sector to ensure iwi and hapū have sovereignty over iwi and hapū data.
“We are designers of our own data and it is through this taonga that we have the power to effect positive change for our people.”
E wātea ana te pūrongo mō te Māori Data Governance Model ki te pae tukutuku o Te Kāhui Raraunga.